Published papers (reverse chronological order)
- Swallow, B., (2025) ‘Seconder of the vote of thanks and contribution to the Discussion of `the Discussion Meeting on Methods for Estimating the Exposure-Response Curve to Inform the New Safety Standards for Fine Particulate Matter’, accepted in JRSS(A)
- Swallow, B., (2024) ‘Proposer of the vote of thanks and contribution to the Discussion of `the Discussion Meeting on Analysis of citizen science data’’, accepted in JRSS(A)
- Swallow, B., Rand, D.A. and Minas, G., (2024) ‘Bayesian inference for stochastic oscillatory systems using the phase-corrected Linear Noise Approximation’ accepted in Bayesian Analysis
- Alexander, R., et al. (2024) ‘Target Trial Emulation: Impact of C-Section on Birth Outcomes for Spontaneous Preterm Breech Presentations’, International Journal of Population Data Science, 9(5). doi: 10.23889/ijpds.v9i5.2785.
- Rudan, I, et al,. (2024) ‘Selecting the most informative positive and negative controls for self-controlled case series (SCCS): Rationale, approach, and lessons from studies investigating the safety of COVID-19 vaccines’, J Glob Health 14:03037.
- Macdonald, C. et al., (2024) ‘Association between antibody responses post-vaccination and severe COVID-19 outcomes: national population-based cohort study in Scotland’, NPJ Vaccines, 9, 107
- Summers, R.W., Swallow, B., Fridman, J., Hokkanen, T., Newton, I. & Buckland, S.T. (2024) ‘Irruptions of crossbills Loxia spp. in northern Europe – patterns and correlations with seed production by key and non-key conifers’, Ibis in press
- Millington, T. et al. (2024) Caveats in Reporting of National Vaccine Uptake (accepted in Journal of Global Health)
- Shi, T. et al. (2023) Risk of winter hospitalisation and death from acute respiratory infections in Scotland, in press Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine
- Swallow, B., (2023) Ben Swallow’s contribution to the Discussion of “Martingale Posterior Distributions” by Fong, Holmes and Walker, (in press JRSSB)
- Jun Villejo, S., Illian, J. and Swallow, B., (2023) ‘Data Fusion in a Two-stage Spatio-Temporal Model using the INLA-SPDE Approach.’, (in press Spatial Statistics)
- Firat, E., Swallow, B. and Laramee, R.S., (2023) ‘PCP-Ed: Parallel coordinate plots for ensemble data’, (accepted in Visual Informatics)
- Rydow, E. et al., (2022) ‘Development and Evaluation of Two Approaches of Visual Sensitivity Analysis to Support Epidemiological Modelling’ (accepted for publication in IEEE TVCG)
- Shadbolt, N. et al., (2022) ‘The Challenges of Data in Future Pandemics’ (accepted for publication in special issue of Epidemics)
- Marion, G. et al., ‘Modelling: understanding pandemics and how to control them’ (accepted for publication in special issue of Epidemics)
- Zhang, H., Swallow, B. and Gupta, M., (2022) ‘Bayesian hierarchical mixture models for detecting non-normal clusters applied to noisy genomic and environmental datasets’, (accepted for invited special issue, Aust. N.Z. J. Stat)
- Panovska-Griffiths, J. et al., (2022) ‘Statistical and agent-based modelling of the transmissibility of different SARS-CoV-2 variants in England and impact of different interventions’, accepted for themed issue of PTRSA
- Dunne, M. et al., (2022) ‘Complex model calibration through emulation, a worked example for a stochastic epidemic model’ (accepted for publication in special issue of Epidemics)
- Chadwick, F. et al., (2022) ‘Combining Rapid Antigen Testing and Syndromic Surveillance Improves Sensitivity and Specificity of COVID-19 Detection: A Community-Based Prospective Diagnostic Study.’, accepted for publication in Nature Comms.
- Swallow, B., Xiang, W. and Panovska-Griffiths, J., (2022) ‘Tracking the national and regional COVID-19 epidemic status in the UK using directed Principal Component Analysis.’, accepted for themed issue of PTRSA
- Dykes, J. et al., (2022) ‘Visualization for Epidemiological Modelling: Challenges, Solutions, Reflections & Recommendations’, accepted for themed issue of PTRSA
- Swallow, B., et al., (2022) ‘Challenges in estimation, uncertainty quantification and elicitation for pandemic modelling’, (in press in Epidemics,
- Kretzschmar, M. et al., (2022) ‘Challenges for modelling interventions for future pandemics’ (in press in Epidemics,
- Hadley, L. et al., (2021) ‘Challenges on the interaction of models and policy for pandemic control,’ (in press in Epidemics,
- Sacchi, G. and Swallow, B. (2021) ‘Parallel tempering as a mechanism for facilitating inference in hierarchical hidden Markov models.’, (in press in Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution)
- Swallow, B., Buckland, S. T., King, R. and Toms, M. P. (2019) Assessing factors associated with changes in the numbers of birds visiting gardens in winter: are predators partly to blame?’ (Ecology and Evolution, 9, 12182– 12192) and journal blog post
- Jones-Todd, C. M., Swallow, B., Illian, J. B. and Toms, M. P. (2018) A spatio-temporal multi-species model of a semi-continuous response.’ (JRSS(C), 67(3), 705–722)
- Swallow, B., King, R., Buckland, S. T. and Toms, M. P. (2016) Identifying multi-species synchrony in response to environmental covariates.’ (Ecology and Evolution, 6(23), 8515–8525)
- Swallow, B., Buckland, S. T., King, R. and Toms, M. P. (2015) ‘Bayesian Hierarchical Modelling of Continuous Non-negative Longitudinal Data with a Spike at Zero: An Application to a Study of Birds Visiting Gardens in Winter.’ (Biometrical Journal Special Issue, 58(2), 357–371, Special) and press release from BTO.
Preprints/under submission
- Gunn, E., Sengupta, N. and Swallow, B., (2024) Gaussian process modelling of infectious diseases using the Greta software package and GPUs, arXiv:2411.05556
- Sturman, F. et al., (2024) Can pruning improve agent-based models’ calibration? An application to HPVsim, SSRN preprint
- Li, X., Swallow, B. and Chadwick, F.J. ‘A Novel Approximate Bayesian Inference Method for Compartmental Models in Epidemiology using Stan’
- Stroud, J., (2024) ‘Fast Gaussian Processes for Bayesian inference - How smooth is your latent process?’
- Swallow, B., Grier, J. and Panovska-Griffiths, J., (2024) ‘Spatio-temporal transmissibility and dispersion of SARS-CoV-2 variants and sub-variants of concern in England’
- Hu, C., Swallow, B. and Castro-Camilo, D., (2024) ‘A Bayesian multivariate extreme value mixture model’ arXiv:2401.15703
- Gould, E., et al., (2024) ‘Same data, different analysts: variation in effect sizes due to analytical decisions in ecology and evolutionary biology’, EcoEvoArxiv and Nature news item
- Xiang, W. and Swallow, B. (2021) ‘Multivariate spatio-temporal analysis of the global COVID-19 pandemic.’
- Swallow, B., Rigby, M., Rougier, J.C., Manning, A.J., Lunt, M. and O’Doherty S. (2017) ‘Parametric uncertainty in complex environmental models: a cheap emulation approach for models with high-dimensional output applied to greenhouse gas emissions estimation.’
Journals I have reviewed for
- Bayesian Analysis
- Journal of
- Annals of Applied Statistics
- Biometrics
- Journal of Theoretical Biology
- Forrest Ecology and Management
- Studies in Automation and Information Technology
- Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems (awarded Outstanding Reviewer status November 2016)
- Proceedings of the Royal Society A
- Biology Letters
- Environmental and Ecological Statistics
- Natural Resource Modeling
- Statistical Methods in Medical Research